Australian Panels has been re-named as Porta.

A new Porta website is currently being developed which will include this complete product offer. In the meantime, you can continue to access your Australian Panels product and technical information here.

For Porta products, visit

STRUCTAflor Ultimate System R-Value Calculator

Our free STRUCTAflor Ultimate System R-Value Calculator is designed to simplify the process of determining the System R-value for your flooring.

This user-friendly tool considers all the different components of your floor system, providing an accurate and reliable System R-Value calculation.

  • Accurate Results: By considering all elements of your floor system, the calculator assists you in understanding System R-Value calculations.
  • Easy to Use: The intuitive interface makes it simple for anyone to use, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Free of Charge: Our calculator is available for free, making it accessible to everyone.

Whether you're planning a new build, a renovation, or simply looking to upgrade your flooring for better insulation, this calculator is an essential resource.

Developed by Dr Terence Williamson. B.E. (Mon), B.Arch (Melb), PhD (Adel). Associate Professor of the School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Adelaide