Project Overview
Temporary hoarding panelling is an essential element of construction site management, providing security and organisation. For a recent project in Queensland, STRUCTApanel H2 12mm Black was chosen by a major Australian developer to meet key critical needs of temporary hoarding.
STRUCTApanel Black is a high-performance, structurally certified panel specifically designed for bracing applications, making it an ideal choice for temporary hoarding. STRUCTApanel Black comes prefinished in black colour, eliminating the need for additional painting or finishing on-site. Beyond security, STRUCTApanel Black also effectively reduces dust, debris, and noise pollution, while offering a large canvas for project marketing.
Furthermore, it comes with a 12-month warranty for external applications, ensuring long-lasting performance.
By opting for STRUCTApanel H2 12mm, the project team achieved a secure, durable, and adaptable hoarding system that met all their needs.