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Exclusive Sports Stadium Flooring Underlay

Project Completion Date: 2023

Project Highlights

  • 1,200 sheets of STRUCTApanels H2
  • Capacity to withstand a 40-tonne moveable grandstand
  • Consistency from sheet to sheet with no internal delamination
  • Termite treated to ensure the subfloor system was protected
  • High fixing capacity to ensure long term performance
  • Product met all environmental and fire rating requirements, and endorsed by AFTA Timber flooring industry standard


Action Venue Systems, a major Queensland-based sports flooring installer, was searching for a product to install as part of a sports floor system in a sports stadium that performed better than the plywood they had previously been using as an underlayment when they learned about a superior product made by Australian Panels through their supply partner Hurford Wholesale.

As flooring underlay is a crucial component of any sports or fitness facility's flooring system, the client needed a product that as part of their system would provide some key benefits.
Exclusive Sports Stadium Flooring Underlay
Project #60

The Project Requirements

  • Shock absorption: The required sports flooring needed to incorporate rubber pads into the underlay system to absorb shock and reduce the force of impacts on the overall flooring system
  • Strength: To be able to withstand the forces and loads generated by equipment, people and other heavy objects
  • Moisture durability: To be able to perform in conditions of short and long term based humidity and temperature
  • Consistency: A product that is consistent in its thickness and flatness with no internal delamination which can be experienced with other underlay products such as plywood
  • H2 Termite treated: Long term protection from termite attack
  • Fixing capacity: High fixing capacity for the top overlay of timber strip flooring
  • Sustainability: Meet required environmental and fire rating requirements including air quality and sustainable forestry practices.
  • AFTA endorsed:To ensure the product was supported via the ATFA Solid Timber Industry Standard.

The Solution

1,200 sheets of STRUCTApanel H2 12mm board were installed by Action Venue Systems to cover the extensive flooring needed for this 1200 m2 stadium. STRUCTApanel H2 12mm was ultimately chosen for this installation as it provides a consistent, flat, durable, and termite-treated alternative to other products in the market, offering superior nail, and staple holding capability with no internal delamination.

Over the course of the installation, two layers of STRUCTApanel H2 12mm were laid on top of each other. Rubber balls were placed underneath the bottom layer to allow some movement from the panel, which is crucial for this type of application.

STRUCTApanel H2 12mm is made with the same durable materials used in our market-leading STRUCTAflor particleboard flooring products. Australian Made from sustainable certified plantation forestry, STRUCTApanel H2 12mm is produced in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Oberon. Australian Panels Oberon facilities boast Australia's newest and largest particleboard line and pine harvesting operations through Plantation Pine Products.
Project #60
Project #60

Capabilities and Benefits

Apart from underlay for timber strip flooring, STRUCTApanel H2 12mm can also be used for a whole variety of construction methods such as outside external hoarding, internal wall linings inside of garages, sheds, and industrial complexes.

The choice of underlay for timber strip flooring can significantly impact the comfort, durability, and performance of your flooring. Using a superior underlay like STRUCTApanel H2 12mm can help improve the overall performance of the flooring system by providing support that is consistently flat and termite treated with no internal delamination.

If you are seeking a product that is extremely durable and very strong with high performance properties then look no further than STRUCTApanel H2 12mm.