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A New Class of Building - Wall Lining in Modular School Buildings

Project Completion Date: 2023

Project Highlights

  • 2000 sheets of STRUCTApanels H2 9mm for internal wall lining of modular school classrooms
  • Innovative and efficient design with lasting value
  • Economical method of meeting the fast-growing demand of the Education Industry
  • Faster, Smarter Construction
A New Class of Building - Wall Lining in Modular School Buildings

Project Overview

A well-renowned modular classroom builder was contracted to design, manufacture and install modular school classrooms for use across the country.

The builder was seeking an internal wall panelling solution for these modular classrooms. They required a cost-effective product that had high impact resistance and superior fixing capability, was pre-primed, termite treated, met fire and safety requirements, and met PEFC and other legislative requirements.
A New Class of Building - Wall Lining in Modular School Buildings
Project #62

The Project

Education facilities are learning environments, not construction sites. Building modules off site in a quality-controlled facility reduces school interruptions. Modular buildings have come a long way. Now, they offer some of the most comfortable, modern, and energy efficient buildings for offices, schools, mine sites, portable site offices and more.

Modular school and classroom solutions are designed to help schools save both time and money. The modular construction process is up to 50% faster compared to traditional building methods, meaning schools can have a classroom up and running in no time.

The builder required an internal walling panel product with high impact resistance and superior fixing capability, was pre-primed, termite treated, and met fire and safety requirements and PEFC and other legislated requirements.

The Solution

After consulation with Australian Panels the builder realised the benefits of choosing STRUCTApanel H2 9mm for this project.

STRUCTApanel H2 9mm is a high-density panel primarily designed for wall panelling, where it provides high impact resistance compared to alternative lining options, more than double the impact resistance of plywood and 9 times greater than plasterboard, as well as superior screw holding capability. It is H2 treated for termite resistance, bracing certified and is available as a flat sheet.

STRUCTApanel H2 9mm is made with the same durable resins used in our market-leading STRUCTAflor particleboard flooring.

Supplied pre-primed/prefinished means faster project completion resulting in even more cost-cutting benefits. As STRUCTApanel H2 9mm is supplied prime sealed, finish coats can be applied by roller, brush or air spray.

The STRUCTApanel system is a simple but effective range of pannelling - making it the ideal choice for your next project.
Project #62
Project #62

Capabilities and Benefits

  • High surface resistance: Double the surface impact resistance of plywood and 9 times greater than plasterboard
  • Highly durable: Made with the same cutting-edge technology & high-quality raw materials as STRUCTAflor
  • High fixing capacity: Ability to screw directly into sheet
  • H2 Treated for termite resistance
  • Easy to paint
  • Multiple joining options: H Mould, Cover Strip plus many others
  • Pre-primed option
  • Faster project completion
  • Bracing certified

    To view the brochure Click here