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Your perfect choice for temporary hoarding panels

Made with the same durable materials used in our market leading STRUCTAflor particleboard flooring products, STRUCTApanel H2 12mm is a high performance panel, ideally suited for temporary hoarding applications.
Your perfect choice for temporary hoarding panels

Temporary hoarding panelling is an essential element of construction site management. It serves several important purposes:

  • Security: Construction sites can be dangerous places, with heavy machinery, tools, and materials. Temporary hoarding panelling helps keep unauthorised individuals out, reducing the risk of accidents, theft, or vandalism
  • Safety: It provides a barrier between the construction activity and the public, ensuring that pedestrians and nearby properties are not harmed by debris or other construction-related hazards
  • Privacy: Hoarding panelling helps maintain the privacy of the construction site. This is especially important for projects in densely populated areas where people might be curious about the progress or details of the construction
  • Branding and Communication: Many construction companies use hoarding panelling as a marketing opportunity. They can display their branding, project details, and contact information on the panels, effectively turning the construction site into a billboard for their services
  • Dust and Noise Control: Depending on the construction site's location, hoarding panelling can help contain dust and reduce noise pollution, which is crucial in urban areas to minimise disruption to the surrounding community
  • Compliance: Temporary hoarding panelling often serves regulatory and legal purposes. It can help construction sites comply with local building codes and safety regulations. 
  • Confidentiality: In certain cases, hoarding can shield confidential project details and plans from public view
  • Modular: It's easy to install, modify, or remove as the construction project progresses
  • Cost-Effective: Hoarding is a cost-effective solution for achieving many of the above benefits compared to permanent structures or alternative solutions

STRUCTApanel H2 12mm

STRUCTApanel H2 12mm is ideally suited as an external temporary hoarding panel. Made with the same durable materials used in our market-leading STRUCTAflor particleboard flooring products, it is consistently flat with no internal delamination, easy to cut, leaving smooth, clean edges and comes with a 12-month warranty for external applications.


  • Australian Made from sustainable certified plantation forestry
  • Highly durable with resin and wax-enriched surfaces
  • High fixing capacity
  • H2 Treated for termite resistance
  • Easy to cut leaving smooth, clean edges
  • 12-month warranty for external applications

This product is available in 2400mm x 1200mm sheets.

Properly installed and maintained temporary hoarding panelling not only enhances security and safety but also contributes to a positive image of the construction project and the company responsible for it.

No construction site is complete without security and protection. Secure, long-lasting and cost-effective, STRUCTApanel H2 12mm is specifically designed to withstand the rigors of the modern building site.

View the STRUCTApanel H2 12mm brochure here