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Understanding the STRUCTApanel H2 range

Australian Panels is proud to introduce a brand-new panel concept to the market - STRUCTApanel H2. STRUCTApanel H2 is made with the same durable resins used in our market leading STRUCTAflor particleboard flooring.
Understanding the STRUCTApanel H2 range

STRUCTApanel H2 is a high-density structurally certified panel that provides high impact resistance, more than double the impact resistance of plywood and 9 times greater than plasterboard, as well as superior screw holding capability. It is H2 treated for termite resistance and is available as a flat sheet. Australian Made from sustainable certified plantation forestry, it is available in 9mm and 12mm.

Let's explore the differences and applications.

STRUCTApanel H2 9mm Structural Panelling

STRUCTApanel H2 9mm is a high-density panel with high surface impact resistance, primarily designed for wall panelling but can be used in a wide range of different applications including SIPS manufacturing, internal lining (sheds/garages), Boxes/packaging, Dongas, Schools and more. STRUCTApanel H2 9mm Primed 2400 x 1200mm can also be supplied primed, finish coats can be applied by roller, brush or air spray. Simply apply either solvent or waterborne topcoats in flat or low gloss finishes. 

By selecting STRUCTApanel H2 9mm, you will save on energy consumption, lower your installation waste, and have more control over indoor temperatures. A major reason why many people are choosing STRUCTApanel is due to this incredible benefit. Wood is a natural insulator and by selecting STRUCTApanel, you will generate stabilised temperatures within your building, which in turn lowers heating and cooling usage and costs. 

Structapanel H2 9mm is also bracing certified.

Supplied Pre-primed/Prefinished means faster project completion resulting in even more cost-cutting benefits. It also comes in a variety of sizes;

• STRUCTApanel H2 – 2440mm x 1200mm

• STRUCTApanel H2 – 2745mm x 1200mm

• STRUCTApanel H2 – 3050mm x 1200mm

• STRUCTApanel H2 Primed – 2440mm x 1200mm

STRUCTApanel H2 12mm Non-Structural Panelling

STRUCTApanel H2 12mm is made with the same durable materials used in our market-leading STRUCTAflor particleboard flooring products. It is bracing certified, has a high surface impact resistance - Double the surface impact resistance of plywood & 9 times greater than plasterboard it has many wide applications including;

Timber Flooring Underlay

Used as an underlay for timber strip flooring on top of concrete, STRUCTApanel H2 12mm provides a consistent, flat and durable alternative to other products in the market, offering superior nail, staple holding capability and excellent adhesion to sanded surfaces. There is also a wide range of joining options available including H Mould, Cover Strip plus many others.

Watch the video below to see how STRUCTApanel H2 12mm was recently installed as an underlay for timber strip flooring at a prominent gymnasium sporting complex in Queensland. 

Internal Wall Panelling

STRUCTApanel H2 12mm can also be used for internal wall lining (in dry conditions), is bracing certified and provides high surface impact resistance and screw-holding capability compared to alternative wall lining options.

Temporary Hoarding Panelling

STRUCTApanel H2 Tongue & Groove VJ150

The new STRUCTApanel H2 Tongue & Groove VJ150 offers a host of benefits, including a pink colour-coded PCV tongue and groove system, plus a consistent flatness with a smooth knot-free surface. Their robust and long-lasting features make them both decorative and functional.

  • High Surface Impact Resistance - Superior surface impact resistance compared to plywood and plasterboard
  • Pink colour-coded PVC tongue and groove system to ensure an easy and tight fit for adjoining panels
  • Faster, simpler installation with no joining strips required
  • Consistent board surface, no knot holes, splitting or splinters
  • High fixing capacity - Ability to screw directly into sheet
  • Easy to paint

The STRUCTApanel system is a simple but effective range of pannelling, that makes installing particle board quicker and easier - making it the ideal choice for your next project.

Click the links below for more information, brochures and technical guides.